Below are our articles on the subject of FAQs. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
FAQ: Unclaimed Government Business Grants
Businesses in Britain are losing out on numerous unclaimed government business grants but the onus is on the business to search out these grants for themselves....
FAQ: Unclaimed Pension Trackers
There are millions of pounds worth of unclaimed pension funds that have been lost when people change jobs but there are methods that can be used to recover these funds....
FAQ: Your Unclaimed Money
There is around £15 billion in unclaimed money in dormant bank accounts, forgotten pensions, and investments, and there are ways to find out if any of this money is…...
The Facts on Unclaimed Land and Property in the UK
It is possible to claim abandoned and unregistered property and land in the UK but this is not a simple process and can take many years to complete....
Using the Unclaimed Assets Register
The Unclaimed Assets Register is an online service that can search a database of financial institutes for lost pensions, dormant accounts and life policies....