Below are our articles on the subject of Basics. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Companies That Help With Unclaimed Money
If you’re not sure how to go after unclaimed money that might be yours, there are companies that can either help or do it all for you....

Court Funds Office and Unclaimed Funds
There’s unclaimed money everywhere – including a lot in the court system....

How Long Do You Have To Claim Money?
How long do you really have to put in a claim for those unclaimed funds? In most cases, there’s no limit – what’s your belongs to you, and that’s it....

Should You Pay a Fee to Find Lost Assets?
There are companies that charge fees to trace lost assets but anyone who has the time and know how can search for lost assets without paying a fee to others....

Ten Ways to Find Hidden Assets
There are billions of pounds in unclaimed inheritance, dormant bank accounts and pensions, and these ten methods may help you to reconnect with forgotten and hidden…...

Unclaimed Funds Sites And Scams
If there’s money to be made, the scammers will try to exploit it – and unclaimed funds are no different....

Unclaimed Government Benefits in the UK
Billions of pounds worth of government benefits does go unclaimed in the UK every year and many people are unaware that they are eligible for these benefits....

What Do You Need To Claim Money?
Claiming money due to you from a dormant account is very simple, and we show you how....

What is Unclaimed Money?
No one knows for sure how much there is in unclaimed funds, but it could be over £20 billion – and some of it could be yours!...

Who Benefits If Money Isn't Claimed?
The government has proposed taking funds that remain unclaimed for 15 years and using them to fund youth and community initiatives....

Why is Money Unclaimed?
Forgetfulness, lack of knowledge and companies changing names – they’re all among the reasons money ends up unclaimed. Is some of that money yours?...